things needed

For Going To Office

laptop, keyboard, earphones, office key, water bottle, fountain pen, paper, notes, usbc to usbc cable, a plastic bag, umbrella, optionally a book,

For DnD

character sheets, paper, dices, fountain pen, water bottle,

For Travel

phone, wallet, keys, passport, BRP, 3 sets of clothes, 2 sets of pyjamas, 4 hand tips, sleeping eyepatch cloth, sleeping back cloth, bath towel, slipper, floss, toothbrush, toothpaste, cotton butts, tissue, nail clipper, hand cream, lip balm, umbrella, converse bag, water bottle, book, fountain pen, paper, earphone, universal socket adapter, iPhone charger, Android charger, glove, cotton glove, belts, sun cream (optionally), ber ber ber,

Tepe toothbrush, waterfloss, make ups, camera, 35mm film, invisalign, invisalign cleaning capsule, contact lenses, M clothes, hair brush, face wash, usbc to usb converter, ricoh battery charger, kindle, kindle charger, ipad, ipad charger, wacom drawing pad, trackpad,

For working remotely

laptop, laptop charger, laptop keyboard with new battery, laptop touchpad, coffee equipments, coffee beans, notes, fountain pen,

For going home

shaver, shaving blade, shaving cream, coffee equipments, coffee beans, no laptop, not too much clothes, one book only, additional socket converters, additional phone, HK to Guangzhou train ticket, E-sim,

Bed Setup

water, hand cream, book, cotton buds, tissue, lip balm, 2 sets of pyjamas, 4 hand tips, sleeping eyepatch cloth, sleeping back cloth,

Bag Setup

sunscreen, mask, additional long sleeve cloth, tissue, two phones, umbrella, chinese identity card, water, key (optional),